Waiting around for Paul, 2020
6 channel audio installation

Waiting around for Paul

Channels 1-2

Rust and red
the summerland glow
When the lake breathes out and spring meets the snow
Rust and Red, the light corral
The lake rose up to wash our mouths

Pressed on Pearl, until night collides
The Great Lake winds,
the wind, the wind it was wild

Rust and red, the summertime goes
When the lake breathes out,
I don’t want to know

Channels 3-4

Bailed us out, no troubles, at all
Talk to you and waiting around for Paul

Channel 5

You missed out on a lot, it’s contagious,
call it our Cholera Crime,
flat on our backs, it’s outrageous,
How’s Lexington?

You must know a lot about containment,
twenty-one years enshrined,
it’s all in the past,
but the payments- are redefined
There’s movies and most of the memories,
sunk word for word, cannonball.
Tearing out telephone pages and waiting around for Paul.

Listen, 2019
5 channel audio installation


Listen left a lot on the floor, worrying about 2070
Listen left a lot on the table-
Worrying about the economy, worrying about the recovery

Listen giddy-up, oh pie, Marie Calendar creation
Listen it’s just suppertime- there’s Marie and there’s me in the kitchen
Now, don’t you call me serious. The old house is mine.
The windows are worse for the wear,
and good plans are falling to pieces.

Listen everything’s for sale, the couch and the new kitchen table
Listen, I’ll make you a deal, because everything’s WIFI enabled
Because I’m worrying about the economy, worrying about my recovery

Listen there’s good food and time, is all we really have between us
Listen hang on to that job, because these beautiful children will eat us
Because I’m worrying about the economy, worrying about my recovery, worrying about

Listen the numbers are real, hide in your house in your hideaway
Listen we’re all still all-there
Share time, share broke, and share misery.
Because I’m worrying about the economy, worrying about my recovery, worrying about

These Vacant Lots, 2019
4 channel audio installation

These Vacant Lots

Channel 1


Channel 2

Here’s a good one.
Or we could run a marathon, man.
So shake out the spiders from your tennis shoes.
Or steal a race car, a red car, surviving:
go to college, stay criminal.

1/5 of red sun, it’s fabulous and, like the water around me,
Silkeborg roundabout, 2013:
There’s the college, our restaurant, my lost car, the front yard.

Channel 3

I moved six times since then
Up and down Sovej (SO-VEY)
street Not what it used to be
nothing’s the same to me

Lost individual
So unpredictable
that’s unprofessional
These maps are terrible
Not like it used to be
Silkeborg, HONESTLY.

Channel 4

Before the back pain, before the promise
for the patience in the forests
For the last call, for the century
before the sirens and the bare feet.
Before it’s August, for the verses,
before the footbridge and choruses,

Before the roundabout, for the bitcoin,
before the telephones and the airplanes.
Before the terror, before the terror,
before the breakfast, before the flash sale
for the flashpoint, in the traffic
before the car wreck,before the postcard,
down to Silkeborg and the boatyard.